| $18.00 | |||
Polarwet is coming back getting muddy with shirt and pants. He get muddy outdoors and gets so dirty. Starring: | ||||
| $14.00 | |||
Polarwet getting mud again, this time with an Argentina's soccer kit. He slide on mud, cover himself and be like a real pig in a mud pit. Starring: | ||||
2 files |
| $12.00 | ||
Polarwet works like lifeguard this summer and he takes a shower or sauces with his uniform put on. Starring: | ||||
| $12.00 | |||
Polarwet go for a jogging workout and he can't resist to gets muddy in a mud puddle he founds outdoors. After that, he gets soaked and go for a run that way and everybody can see him. finally, he come back to the car but he want to gets more wet spra... Starring: | ||||
| $12.00 | |||
Polarwet go for a walk next to a river and he couldn't resist to get wet with his T-shirt and jeans on. Starring: | ||||
| Bundle price: $16.00 Originally $20.00 | ||
Two videos of Polarwet getting soaked and muddy outside with his army T-shirt. Starring: | ||||
| $12.00 | |||
After getting soaked, Polarwet fing a mud pit next to a business area and he decide to get all muddy with his training clothes. Starring: | ||||
| $8.00 | |||
Polarwet go outside to do his workout under the rain and he gets soaked with his army T-shirt. Starring: | ||||
2 files |
| $15.00 | ||
Polarwet go outdoors to do a workout but he founds a muddy pit and he can't resist to get muddy there. Starring: | ||||
2 files |
| $12.00 | ||
Polarwet go outdoors to jogging with an army T-shirt but he couldn't resist to get wet between workouts. Starring: | ||||
| $14.00 | |||
Polarwet with his best clothes on taking a messy shower with milk, eegs, chocolate and pudding. Starring: | ||||
2 files |
| $14.00 | ||
Polarwet come back to hotel room after a long day of work with his shirt and jeans and take a bath fully-clothed. Starring: | ||||
| $14.00 | |||
After Argentina's winning world cup, Polarwet has to slime in Argentina's soccer kit. He cover himself in blue goo from toes to head. Starring: | ||||
| $14.00 | |||
After a long day at work, polarwet want to play and take a shower of creamy milk, yogurt inside is underwear and gets covered in chocolate. Starring: | ||||
| $14.00 | |||
I go for a walk with my sport clothes and I see a mud pit so I can't resist to get so dirty... after that I have to come back to home like that... Starring: | ||||
| $12.00 | |||
Polarwet take a shower with his clothes on: jeans and polo.After that he cover his body with gel and enjoying the feeling, putting his hand down jeans. Starring: | ||||
| $14.00 | |||
With a superman custom, Polarwet go outdoors to get a bit muddy in a public park. He wears a complete Lycra suit and play in mud with his cape, rubbing his hair and massaging his feets in a mud puddle. Starring: | ||||
2 files |
| $12.00 | ||
Polarwet loves wedding with pool because always ends wet fully-clothed. Watch this real situation where he gets wet with his best formal clothes. Starring: | ||||
| $14.00 | |||
Polarwet go to his favourite public park to test for first time and amazing lube like slime. He gets all luby with a polo and short jeans. After that, he go for a place where he can clean himself, bathing in a lake. Starring: | ||||
| $8.00 | |||
Polarwet takes a shower after his daily workout in gym's locker room with his training army clothes. After gets soaked, he strip until he is naked no wearing nothing at all. Starring: | ||||
2 files |
| $18.00 | ||
It's Polarwet's birthday and he always want a special cake for this day, so he goes to a public park and turns into a human cake with so much chocolate, cream and sprinkles over him. Before that, he gets all soaked with his formal clothes.
Es el cum... Starring: | ||||
| $5.00 | |||
After his daily workout, Polarwet take a bath in the beach with all his clothes on, wearing an army t-shirt and Lycra shorts. Starring: | ||||
| $14.00 | |||
Polarwet workout of today is outside but he can't resist to end all muddy after all. Mudplay in different mud ponds with his training army clothes. Starring: | ||||
| $10.00 | |||
Polarwet is feelling a bit horny after work so he decides take a shower with his clothes on: a polo and jeans. He play with his hair and his bulge ending without jeans. Starring: | ||||
| $14.00 | |||
Polarwet is come back, getting muddy in a mud pit with jeans and polo. He ends all covered like a big pig and enjoy so much. Near him there were people training. Starring: | ||||
| $14.00 | |||
Polarwet come back with a new suit: a Captain navy uniform. Is his first time so He have to take a shower with uniform on. After get wet, he lube with gel all his body and take his pants off, wearing only the cap.
Polarwet vuelve con nueva ropa: un... Starring: | ||||
| $16.00 | |||
mudspn is come back with polarwet in another messy game. This time they play to paint pong, a version of "beer pong" where winner is allowed to mess the other one. Both are dressed with cops uniforms. Who will win?
mudspn vuelve con polarwet en otro... Starring: | ||||
| $14.00 | |||
Polarwet comes back to get messy with too many yogurt and chocolate. He turns into human cream and gets messy with formal clothes. Washing his hair with yogurt.
Polarwet vuelve ensuciandose con mucho yogurt y chocolate. Se vuelve human cream y se pr... Starring: | ||||
| $16.00 | |||
First time wearing a Lycra costume for Polarwet. He turns into Superman and made a heavy training: cover all his body with kryptonian slime to get stronger. He cover himself and fill his suit with slime and after that he gets clean with gel lube and... Starring: | ||||
| $10.00 | |||
New vid where Polarwet take a shower with t-shirt and shorts. He gets all wet and wash his hair with shampoo. For hair lovers. After that, he gets naked wearing only t-shirt.
Nuevo video donde Polarwet se ducha con camiseta y shorts. Se moja entero... Starring: | ||||
| $15.00 | |||
Polarwet is getting back for Christmast Holidays with a new video with so much chocolate and several pies. He covers his head and arms with sticky choc and take some pies in the face. After that, he covers himself with more chocolate syrup. this scen... Starring: | ||||
| $14.00 | |||
Polarwet take a bath with clothes on. He wears a polo, jeans and socks and ends completly soaked. After that he gets gel up and wash his hair with shampoo.
Polarwet se ba con la ropa puesta. Llevando un polo, vaqueros y calcetines acaba completament... Starring: | ||||
| $14.00 | |||
Polarwet vuelve una vez m, vestido con traje de chaqueta y se pringa. Despu acaba todo mojado y se ducha con el traje puesto. Incluye momentos de pringue de pies y con calcetines.
Polarwet is coming back! This time dressed with a full suit and he g... Starring: | ||||
| $18.00 | |||
Polarwet and mudspn come back to do another mud scene for all you. This time they wear formal clothes and gets muddy in a mud pit, playing each other. Polarwet y mudspn vuelven con otra sesi en el barro para todos vosotros. Esta vez, llevan ropa for... Starring: | ||||
| $14.00 | |||
Polarwet is back from a wedding where it's so hot, so he has sweat so much and he decide to take a shower to cooling off. Besides, he clean his suit with blue lube.
Polarwet vuelve de una boda donde ha hecho mucha calor, ha sudado mucho asque decide... Starring: | ||||
| $15.00 | |||
Polarwet gets dare with a workout challenge. He has to jum 100 time with no fails. Only three are allowed but... with a punisment each time ![]() Starring: | ||||
| $12.00 | |||
Polarwet imitates Ben with his traditional fluffy chocolate. He poured it over him and cover all his body to end in shower getting messier. Starring: | ||||
| $14.00 | |||
Polarwet y mudspn vuelven, esta vez en un video donde mudspn pilla por sorpresa a Polarwet para atarlo y pringarlo entero con tartas y pasteles en mitad del campo.
Polarwet and mudspn gets back with a video where mudspn lead a session and he tied Po... Starring: | ||||
| $16.00 | |||
Polarwet y mudspn vuelven juntos para hacer una guerra de comida. Se pringan con camisas y vaqueros para acabar todo sucios.
Polarwet and mudspn come back to make a big fight food. They gets messy with shirts and jeans and ends all dirty. Starring: | ||||
| $12.00 | |||
Polarwet estrena vestimenta! Esta vez, con un traje de lucha bajo su ropa se pringa a tope para acabar rellenando el traje de Lycra con gunge.
Polarwet have news clothes! this time with his wrestling suit he gets egged and fill the Lycra suit with... Starring: | ||||
| $14.00 | |||
Polarwet vuelve con otro video de barro. Esta vez se desliza por un barrizal con su equipaci de la selecci espala de futbol y acaba todo embarrado en plico.
Polarwet come back with another mud video. This time he slide into a mud pit with his spanis... Starring: | ||||
| $14.00 | |||
Polarwet ha vuelto esta vez vestido con sus mejores galas. Una camisa y pantalones para empaparse con vino y pringarse con algo de nata y helado. Al final, acaba todo cubierto de chocolate.
Polarwet has come back this time dress with formal clothes.... Starring: | ||||
| $16.00 | |||
Polarwet y mudspn vuelven en otra sesi juntos esta vez tras una jornada de trabajo co polic쟮 Llegan a casa y deciden divertirse jugando a papel, piedra y tijeras y pringà¤ose con merenge y algunas tartas.
Polarwet and mudspn come back together in... Starring: | ||||
| $12.00 | |||
Nuevo estilo de video en la tienda! Por sugerencia de un seguidor, Polarwet ha recreado una escena cica en la que intenta pegarle un tartazo a su gemelo pero la cosa no sale como esperaba y el tartazo se lo lleva 誮
New kind of scene in store! Su... Starring: | ||||
| $12.00 | |||
Polarwet vuelve en una nueva sesi con su traje de Lycra de piragsmo. Esta vez se pringa completamente con miel y usa distintos tipos de slime para cabar bien pringado y mojado.
Polarwet is going back with a new sessi wearing his canoe Lycra suit. Th... Starring: | ||||
| $14.00 | |||
Polarwet is getting wet again with his police uniform after a long day at work. He decide take a shower with all his clothes on and washing it with a little of soap. He plays any games getting tied, too.
Polarwet se moja de nuevo con su uniforme de... Starring: | ||||
2 files |
| $18.00 | ||
code disccount 50%: "Polarween"
Sessi de 20 minutos grabada en vivo para todos los seguidores de facebook que se conectaron aquel dia. Huevos, nata, harina, chocolate y dos gunges que Polarwet se iba echando conforme los seguidores les decian. Ellos... Starring: | ||||
| $10.00 | |||
Un video corto de Polarwet yendo con la bicicleta y parose en un ra refrescarse un poco con el maillot de ciclista.
A short clip from Polarwet riding with biclycle. He stop next to the river to get a bit wet with his ciclist suit on. Starring: | ||||
| $14.00 | |||
Polarwet y Mudspn vuelven a quedar para organizar una sesi con mucho chocolate. Mudspn pringa con todo tipos de chocolate a Polarwet: cacao en polvo, sirope de chocolate, caramelo, miel, nocilla... Acaba todo pringado con la ropa puesta.
Polarwet an... Starring: | ||||
| $10.00 | |||
Nuevo video de Polarwet donde se pringa por un desafde un seguidor. Va a un parque plico y se llena la ropa interior de yogurt para continuar pringandose el pelo y las axilas de chocolate lido. Todo esto termina con un paseo por mitad del parque, tod... Starring: | ||||